Join the PDC

The PDC welcomes anyone in the legal professional development field to sumbit an application for membership!

Membership applications are reviewed at the beginning of each month by the PDC Membership Committee.

To learn more about the criteria for membership in the PDC and for information regarding our annual dues rates, visit our Membership page.


Basic Application

Vendor Application


  1. Click the membership type above for the corresponding application you wish to submit.
    • If you are not sure which category you fit into, see our Membership page for more information.
  2. Log in or Create a PDC profile.
  3. Complete the membership application.
  4. Sit tight. Membership applications are reviewed monthly, you should hear back in 4-6 weeks

Please be advised that the 2025-2026 membership starts May 1, 2025, and goes until April 30, 2026.